What is the Future of Psychological Support for #NHS Midwives? My interview with @MidwifeDiaries

This blog was originally posted by Ellie from www.midwifediaries.com on June 2, 2015. We spoke in May 2015 about my research project and the issues surrounding midwives (and student midwives) in psychological distress.

What’s The Future Of Psychological Support For Midwives? Interview w/ Sally Pezaro
She wrote :”Who is this researcher?”

This was me, a few weeks ago stumbling across a blog. This woman was sharp, driven, and had all her energy focussed on supporting the mental health of midwives.

She really got how unchallenged the assumption is that midwives are ok to keep going 24/7/365.

Sally Pezaro is doing her PhD on supporting midwives in psychological distress. Her project is exciting, and if it gets launched, will be something we can all use to keep healthy.

In this interview, we talk about why it’s so important to look after midwives, bullying in midwifery, and some strategies for mental wellbeing.

Most awesome quote from this interview: ‘Don’t give everything you have until your batteries run out. Yep – must put that on twitter.

Here are the links we discussed, ’cause I bet you’ll ask!

What’s Sally’s doing is so brilliant because she’s noticed something that is wrong in midwifery – and is doing something about it. Her project reminds me of that quote:

“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”

It’s so good to know that we do have researchers on our side, trying to make things better.

Now, Sally and I would love to hear from you. What’s your answer to the question I posed at the end of the interview?

“What do you find most challenging in looking after your mental health as a midwife, and what do you think could be changed to help with this, both on an organisational trust level, and on a personal level?”

Thanks so much in advance for all the kind, insightful and inspiring comments that are left. I’m excited to hear what you find hardest, and what could help you look after your mental health better.

As always, thank you for your time and attention, sharing and being so brilliant. MidwifeDiaries is turning into an incredible, supportive place for midwives, and I’m so grateful.

Ellie xxx

-> I would also like to add a link to the newest NMC Code (2015) as midwives can now use the power of the code to challenge psychologically unsafe professional behaviour in the workplace. The code now states that midwives must be supportive of colleagues who are encountering health or performance problems. Midwives also have a duty to care for themselves under this new code, so please do not feel guilty for giving self care. We must all work to create therapeutic working environments….

Five experiences are judged necessary for health. Primary emotional development, attachment, containment, communication, inclusion and agency. These can be deliberately recreated in therapeutic environments to form a structure for ‘secondary emotional development’. Failure to recognise the importance of these qualities of an environment can cause unhealthy, or frankly toxic, psychosocial environments in various settings (Haigh, 2013).

Haigh, R. (2013) ‘The quintessence of a therapeutic environment’, Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 34 (1): 6 – 15.