“Midwifery…It’s about the birth of humanity…” #zepherinalecture17

This is just a short post to summarise this year’s  hosted by the . What an inspiring day in midwifery it was.

Zepherina Veitch (1836-1894) was a midwife who put her energies into the cause of midwifery reform. I can identify with this, as my own work focuses largely on supporting the midwifery profession. As we improve….we make reforms. I whole heartedly want midwives to become leaders and agents of change for a better future. I just happen to believe that the midwifery profession will only reach it’s true potential once midwives are adequately supported in the workplace.

Much of the lecture given by the inspiring   was focused upon ‘the woman’s experience’. Whilst we all aspire to deliver the best experiences for the women we care for, I couldn’t help but add on these words to each phrase ‘and midwives too’…

cover image for caring to change reportBut then this document appeared.

Caring to change

How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care…

Here, we begin to see how compassion in the workplace can stimulate excellence in the healthcare services….If we care to change. Compassionate leadership turns into a compassionate workplace culture…

This lecture also focused on the development of humanised care in favour of medicalised care. A no brainer right?…Perhaps we can ‘humanise’ the workplace for midwives too?

After all….We need more midwives right?

But the pinnacle of this event was seeing the pinnard being handed from today with her final flourish and welcome to  …the new president of the Royal College of Midwives

Also…a huge congratulations go to Onya,   and – new fellows of the . 👏🏽👏🏽😀💜

But at the end of the day…I got to meet some of the most inspirational midwives…one of those being the wonderful  …I can certainly recommend next year’s  ..come along and be inspired!.. Because we all need a little positivity in our lives! You get it with midwifery….”It’s about the birth of humanity…” after all…

If you would like to follow the progress of my work going forward..

Follow me via @SallyPezaro; The Academic Midwife; This blog

Until next time…Look after yourselves and each other 💚💙💜❤