Becoming the Academic Midwife on Facebook

Happy #AcademicSummer where nothing much is happening and everyone has their out of office emails switched on. Apart from writing my thesis…I found my self hopping about a little bored today…

Hunting around on the inter web and social media, I found some incredibly interesting articles on leadership in health and social care. There are so many interesting people sharing interesting things online! However, although Twitter seems to be buzzing with this academic activity, my Facebook account did seem rather lacking in the same pools of knowledge….All I managed to see were various holiday snaps.


What I share here is largely my own personal thoughts and experiences in relation to being an academic midwife…of whom there are seemingly few. I try to be informative and interesting….but whether I am or not is entirely subjective. I will carry on writing anyway.

The midwives I know tend to admire what I do but stay in the safety of Facebook (Twitter feeling far too much like work)…However I find myself wanting to unite with these midwives, and indeed this medium, which has largely been a personal space for me and my dog. Until now….

Do I want to plunge into the blue of Facebook?…hmm Twitter is blue too…What’s an academic to do?

Yes. I have decided to set up a Facebook page to share my knowledge and experience of being an academic midwife. Who knows…perhaps I will ignite the interest of others wanting to ‘do’ academia. Whats the harm…right?

Lets see how it goes 🙂 – Follow The academic Midwife on Facebook here

-> https://www.facebook.com/TheAcademicMidwife